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Share information: the harm of ammonia refrigeration.
2016-03-25 08:38:05 admin
The cold chain is widely used in ammonia production [cold]
Relevant experts explain, also known as ammonia, anhydrous ammonia, a colorless liquid, it is a kind of industrial refrigerant, the temperature can lower cold storage equipment through the pipeline, the chicken and other meat products can be preserved in -18 DEG C.
[and] ammonia explosion hazard
Ammonia belongs to toxic gases, and fluorine, chlorine can occur very violent reaction. Ammonia and air mixture to a certain proportion, encountered fire may cause an explosion. The combustion and explosion characteristics under normal temperature, ammonia is a burning gas, but more difficult to ignite. The explosion limit is 16% ~ 25%, the most easy to ignite a concentration of 17%. The concentration of maximum explosion pressure is 22.5%.
[use] ammonia
Ammonia is an important chemical raw material, widely used. For transport and storage facilities, usually gaseous ammonia through the cooling or be pressurized liquid ammonia. Mainly for the production of ammonia nitrate, urea and other chemical fertilizers; can be used as pharmaceutical and pesticide raw materials; can be used in the manufacture of rocket and missile propellant; used for organic chemical products can also be used as a refrigerant ammoniation raw material.



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