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East Star and you explore GREE future will achieve unmanned workshop!
2016-03-24 08:17:49 admin
In 2012 October, IPEEC members launched the "ten energy-saving practice and ten energy-saving technology selection and promotion project" (hereinafter referred to as "double top ten") initiative. In September 2013 that the formation of a "double top ten" working group, to China, Australia led, Japan and the United States and other countries as the members of the international energy was signed for the members of the unit. The selected ten best energy-saving technology, the ten best energy-saving practice.
The conventional air source heat pump technology compared with the technology, in the rated heating (outdoor 7 C) under the condition of improving energy efficiency 5%~10%; outdoor environment at -20 C for heat energy efficiency of 5%~20% is improved by 5 0%~100%. In order to China Shenyang district as an example, compared with the heat pump water heater, heat pump and application of this technology with conventional technology, heat pump in heating season of the year can save 16.3%, air heat pump water heater can save 24% per year.
With regard to environmental quality and comfortable life "double pursuit", air source heat pump technology will have wide application prospect in the future market.



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