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Common problems: chiller refrigeration and alarm?
2016-03-23 08:35:46 admin
1 filter plug, after the filter is blocked, the dust on the condenser will accumulate, a long time will affect the cooling effect of refrigeration equipment. If things go on like this, may even lead to refrigeration equipment refrigeration.
Solution: plug the filter cleaning filter net and not regular.
The 2 coolant content of less cooling fluid volume is too small will cause the equipment without oil, reduce the cooling effect. Solution: less coolant content often look at the coolant, look at the cooling liquid position is maintained in height, when the coolant is too low to add cooling liquid.
3 lack of freon, in some of the early use of freon as a refrigerant refrigeration equipment in use for a long time after the Freon will evaporate, thus affecting the cooling effect. Solution: Hebei Hongfa refrigeration equipment swap company to remind you of Freon there may be some damage to the human body, so in this case should find a professional repair company to add.
4 power supply voltage is low or lack of refrigeration equipment.



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