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Centrifugal chiller why different from other units?
2016-03-18 08:18:34 admin
Centrifugal chiller is using electricity as power source, freon refrigerant evaporation in evaporator refrigerant water heat absorption refrigeration, freon evaporation wet steam compressor compressed into high temperature and high pressure gas through the water-cooled condenser after become liquid, the expansion valve and into the evaporator recycling. In order to produce 7 -12 OC cooling water supply air conditioning air conditioning.
The unit adopts fully enclosed refrigeration compressor.
Work principle: blade rotating speed, pressure for speed change. As the speed of compressor.
And few moving parts, low failure rate, high reliability.
Performance coefficient is high, in general more than 5. 30% load operation can be realized without adjustment, thus strengthening the energy conservation effect is obvious.
- centrifugal chiller cooling water caused mainly by the attenuation of condenser and evaporator unit for heat exchanger, such as wall fouling heat transfer tube, refrigerating capacity is decreased, but the condenser and evaporator manufacturers in the design process, has considered convenient cleaning, the cooling capacity with the use of the long time, cold decay very little, almost No.
- electric refrigeration has 100 years of history, technology and mature manufacturing process, convenient operation and maintenance, has become a lot of users of popular products.
The average life expectancy of 75000 hours, the centrifugal compressor unit, freon and oil has been good, the user can use the site with hydropower.
The unit without overhaul, cleaning only water system, low maintenance cost.



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