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New era of new development to the refrigeration industry has brought what changes?
2016-03-17 08:35:54 admin
Cold water machine and industrial chiller:
Refrigeration industry in addition to the most primitive of the market for more than 20 years of market profits, and now basically has reached a market saturation, the price of a transparent era. The market profits of all kinds of refrigerating machines are not comparable with the eighty's.. In the cracks of the current market, refrigerator only industrial chiller and water chilling unit also maintained a quite fast rising momentum, it may be said is commendable. Industrial chiller and chiller are not only a kind of refrigeration machine, but also a very important two in refrigeration equipment.
Compared with other refrigerating machine, cold water machine and industrial chiller, the application scope is wide. In addition to the refrigeration industry, cold water machine, industrial chillers was also widely used in other industries, HVAC, electroplating, metallurgy smelting, electronics, plastic, chemical industry and so on, can be seen in Figure chiller with industrial chillers are widely service, due to its cross industry use, so chiller with industrial chillers profit space is relatively large.



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