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Cold chain logistics development in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta is a route to
2016-03-16 08:36:55 admin
In recent years, the development of the domestic cold chain logistics industry from the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Bohai rim region to the Midwest rapid extension of the cold chain logistics industry for improving our quality and benefit the people of economic growth effect is obvious. The development of cold chain logistics industry to further expand the market concentration of refrigeration equipment, a day than a day, the supply chain management has accelerated the development trend of value-added business has become a new growth spot, cold chain logistics gathering area has been rapid development, increasing demand for the domestic cold chain logistics refrigeration equipment market competition. Fruit and vegetable cold chain logistics, cold chain logistics, dairy products, meat products, aquatic products cold chain logistics and cold chain logistics and market segments continue to maintain good development potential, to gradually standardize.
Refrigeration equipment market report shows very, the future logistics industry status in the electricity economy will become increasingly important, and the effect of cold chain logistics in the logistics industry, the same can not be overlooked, the future trend of the cold chain industry has better linkage in the upstream and downstream logistics will



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