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Looking at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in the field of refrigeration facilities, the use of domestic or foreign products?
2016-03-15 08:24:36 admin
In order to help the winter games, the use of refrigeration equipment for the 2022 Winter Games venues in Beijing, CPPCC members suggested that the Winter Olympic venues in a series of products should be used in China's domestic equipment.
Tang Junjie proposed, Beijing although already has hosted the valuable experience of the 2008 Summer Olympics, but winter Olympics have many differences, because of seasonal factors of "cold" resource demand, is much higher than that of the Summer Olympics.
At present, China's domestic refrigeration equipment technology and manufacturing capacity has been the development of more mature, at present China's domestic artificial ice rink refrigeration equipment, most use are domestic equipment, has been able to meet the artificial ice environment requirements of refrigeration. We suggest, therefore, that winter will be as an opportunity, in the full argument and strictly abide by the requirements of the standards based, purchasing domestic equipment quality, enhance China's refrigeration equipment localization rate. Moreover, it can reduce the equipment purchase cost, achieve frugal Olympic spirit.



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