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How will the development of China's first million kilowatt class liquid hydrogen temperature low temperature refrigeration equipment?
2016-03-14 08:33:44 admin
East Star to share with you a message: April 29, in 201515_nian_4_yue_29_ri, supported by the Ministry of finance, Chinese Academy of Sciences Science and chemical technology research assumed the state's major research equipment "large scale cryogenic refrigeration equipment development" project passed inspection in Langfang, Hebei. According to the news know, this equipment can not only meet the needs of the future science and engineering, aerospace engineering and other national strategic high technology development of liquid hydrogen temperature large refrigeration equipment, it will be to promote the development of a major refrigeration related advanced technologies in the field of.
Liquid hydrogen temperature of large-scale low temperature technology is China's aerospace industry a long-term effects of frontier science development key technologies, especially the US aerospace engineering of large-scale low temperature refrigeration technology, developed countries to our country has been implement technical blockade.



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