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What are the advantages of a high - profile electroplating chiller?
2016-03-12 08:23:29 admin
9:28 refrigeration system using long life: confidential placed in cold water from the plating bath a certain distance (no acid and alkali corrosion area) is not only maintain the appearance of cold water machine clean and beautiful, and protect the machine itself, to avoid the erosion of high temperature under the acid, alkali and other chemical potion of electrical components, but also prolongs the life of the chillers;
] convenient installation: the acid and alkali corrosion of plate heat exchanger can be placed near a plating tank acid-base area, so as to realize the acid-base groove of short distance transportation, reduce the acid and alkali in the transport process of the corrosion of external objects and small volume of the exchanger can effectively for customers to save space;
] cost savings: users can arbitrarily increase in the number of plating bath, without the need to purchase another cold water machine, only need to increase the plate heat exchanger, thereby effectively of cost savings for the user.
Very low maintenance cost: plate heat exchanger is removable, convenient maintenance. Cold water machine in the long time high temperature alkali environment also not to its components cause harm, even if the plate heat exchanger in the long time use process failure, just replace the heat exchanger heat exchange fin can enable the machine to normal and stable operation.
. the temperature control precision: the plating bath and the corresponding heat exchanger is formed independently of the temperature control system, to meet the needs of different products on temperature respective requirements;
It has strong adaptability: different materials (stainless steel, titanium alloy, plate) plate can adapt to a variety of special acid-base environment.
By the above introduction, we must have a certain understanding of the electroplating cold water machine should have a certain understanding, I hope to help you.



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