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When cold water machine starts to the attention of
2016-03-01 08:31:02www.szdxj.com admin

When cold water machine starts to the attention of

(1) low temperature cold water machine rotation coupling 2-3 ring, good move, should not be too tight.

(2) power on opening the cold water machine, at the same time, the exhaust valve to open the refrigerator.

(3) when the motor starts to run after the adjustment of oil pressure.

(4) level when after the start of the refrigerator, open the suction valve, if heard, liquid hammer sound side to immediately after the closure of small suction valve closed, stay liquid hammer sound eliminated after the level is slow to open.

(5) ge energy regulation should be adjusted in the load need step by step, the general should be every 2-3min dial a block, a block and each aid to see there is no change in pressure.

(6) the exhaust pressure shall not be higher than 1.6MPa. The current work should be consistent with the CIS constant. When the current rises sharply when reading should stop immediately check and eliminate it and restart the tianjin.

(7) according to the load condition of the liquid level of high pressure liquid storage and refrigeration compressor, open the regulatory site of the Peng expansion valve to poke a liquid nitrogen separator or low pressure liquid storage for liquid. When the liquid level low pressure circulation Nan is higher than 50%. Nitrogen pump should be open open refrigeration pressure winding machine.

(8) the operation of the chiller to fill in the diary. Boot record time and refrigeration compressor suction, exhaust Ju and ceiling, exhaust pressure. Pressure, shaft seal Ju, into the condenser, the effluent Ju and other operating conditions.




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