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2016-02-25 08:32:35www.szdxj.com admin

How to solve the problem of low temperature cold water circulating pump noise of the machine

Noise is people have been in one of the solution to the problem, a lot of things will produce noise, especially on the machine is most susceptible to noise, a lot of large machine at work if the noise is too large is causing a nuisance of, so people have been in coming up with a variety of methods to eliminate noise. Low-temperature cooling liquid circulating pump is the same, if the noise is too large, will affect everyone to do the experiment. But recently many customers reflect low temperature liquid circulation device appears in the use of noise for a long time, and the noise is louder and louder, for the very serious influence.

In order to help customers to solve this problem, our factory specially sent professional and technical personnel to the factory maintenance, but check the result is equipment itself did not appear any problems, this phenomenon is caused by the client without good maintenance in the use of. The low-temperature cooling liquid circulating pump is a need often maintenance equipment, for water, even if in after distillation, still be impurities and experiment in order to ensure the water circulation, temperature is debugging in suitable for microbial growth of around 20 degrees, thus if not regular maintenance work, timely clean-up of these impurities, will filter blockage, when in use, the pump will produce a lot of noise.

Noise for the technical personnel is very impact experiment of, so in order to be able to have a good experiment environment. We want to timely cleaning in the low-temperature cooling liquid circulating pump water tank impurity, so as to avoid the phenomenon from happening again, of course, the other laboratory equipment also is to timely maintenance work.




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