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2016-02-24 10:06:25www.szdxj.com admin

The explosion-proof industrial chiller product features

The failure rate is only 1/10 of the reciprocating compressor, and the control device of a world-class brand.

Energy saving screw compressor part load function, through the multi head together and PLC control technology and units both in full load and part load can reach the best energy efficiency ratio was significantly decreased your operating cost.

The air cooled machine we can provide four sections (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) for you to choose day.

Can make the normal operation of security group. Compression machine overheating, overcurrent, phase anomaly, the oil level is too low, low and high voltage protection. Efficient units with more efficient use of the compressor, contact, intensification of heat exchanger.

Agile units through the various compressor collocation is used, can provide from 40 - 460RT of various models for you to choose from, this must have a can satisfy your need.

We can according to your request for your special custom. Convenient unit adopts advanced PLC control technology, the real implementation of the "one click on" and automatic operation. Without human intervention.



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