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How to eliminate the noise of air-cooled chillers?
2016-12-24 09:33:25http://www.szdxj.com admin

        We all know the general situation of large industrial equipment, when the unit in the normal operation of the product will be greater noise, these noise will give us some inconvenience to the production and life. Today East Star Refrigeration Xiaobian and an analysis, when the industrial air-cooled chiller we will easily produce large noise where the noise at run time and we can use the following methods to eliminate?

        Air-cooled chiller compressor and pump configuration, the only difference is that air-cooled chiller it is the use of fan cooling, so its main source of noise is the fan. The ordinary fan sound particularly large, for the environment will have a certain impact, therefore, wind cooled Shenzhen East Star refrigeration company specializing in the production of the we selected are European CIE fan or domestic famous brand, external rotor fan rotor, the advanced design, imported aluminum magnesium alloy and Japan imported iron Vigny can fan, long service life, low noise, high efficiency, and high temperature resistance, greatly improving the thermal efficiency ratio.

The specific when we can eliminate the noise in the cold wind and which methods use water chillers? The following:

1) when the units in the normal operation of axial fan noise due to different wings and different and different speed, with six pole motor motor octupole low noise ratio. Design should be based on the surrounding conditions and noise requirements, flexible selection, and strive to economic rationality.

2) the unit design configuration, the noise size due to different models different installation methods and different. The closed half ratio compressor has low noise and low noise than the piston type compressor. The noise of several small refrigerating compressors is lower than that of the same compressor.

3) the unit operation, the vibration and noise of refrigeration system and produce all kinds of equipment has a great impact on the surrounding environment, have a strong sense of ground vibration, air cooled chiller fan control control in the range between 60 dB and 70 dB, serious people will be unable to carry out normal work and rest.

4) method of anti noise control: the best isolation processing industrial chiller, cooling water pump, chilled water pump, piping system; water chiller in the room or in the workshop to sound absorption and insulation treatment, should be put in place the exhaust unobstructed, avoid discharge reflux.



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