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[relationship between compressor number and refrigerating capacity in cold water machine]
2016-12-23 16:50:10http://www.szdxj.com admin
What is the amount of refrigeration:
        Refrigerating capacity is a physical quantity of the quantity of heat absorbed per unit time of industrial chiller equipment.
What is the number of compressor:
        Compressor refers to the compressor motor rated power; (eg: 10 compressor rated power is 8.3KW, followed by this can also be understood that the 5 compressors in the rated condition of the power consumption of 1 hours is 8.3 degrees).
        From the above we can see that the power of the compressor is what we usually say that the horse is not directly related to the amount of refrigeration.
The refrigerating capacity of the compressor is determined by the following 3 conditions:
1, compressor cylinder size, cylinder number, compressor motor speed.
2, the use of refrigerant thermodynamic properties.
3, refrigeration equipment operating conditions.
        Because in our country early production refrigeration compressor manufacturers rarely coupled with the then refrigeration technology is not particularly developed. So we then produced the same size cylinder compression are basically the same specifications of the motor. So at that time the refrigeration industry has an unwritten standard the same number of compressors in the same operating conditions under the same cooling capacity. So at that time people in order to introduce the convenience of uniform said with a few compressors.
        However, the refrigeration technology has been developed rapidly, the compressor operating range is also much wider than some old-fashioned compressor. Therefore, the current market on the same number of refrigeration compressors operating in the same operating conditions also differ greatly. So we often say that a few compressors are unscientific.



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