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Causes and treatment methods of three common failures of industrial cold water machine
2016-12-03 08:49:59http://www.szdxj.com admin

Causes and treatment methods of three common failures of industrial cold water machine

        Industrial cold water machine in the use of three common failures and the cause, let us first to understand the next cold water machine. Cold water machine with single compressor or multiple compressors in parallel, each compressor with an independent cooling loop, all compressors are unified by the microcomputer control system command, each compressor open and shut down, each other will not interfere with each other.

The following from the Shenzhen East Star small make up to tell you about the industrial cold water machine three common causes and treatment:

First, the power failure (shutdown thermostat no display, etc.):

1, the city electric disconnection, lack of phase, unstable.
2, check whether the burn phase protector.
3, the fuse burned out.

Elimination method:

1, check whether the normal operation of the city, after the normal operation of the city again.
2, the replacement of the phase protector.
3, replace the fuse.
Two, the reason for the failure of water chiller:

1, cold water machine AC contactor overload protector action.
2, chiller capacitor burned (Dan Xiang).
3, check the cold water machine coil winding is normal, the general winding value should be greater than 7.

Method for removing cold water machine:

1, light according to the current protection of the RESET can be reset button.
2, the replacement of water chiller condenser.
3, such as the determination of the winding problem, please replace the compressor.

Three, pump failure (water pump to stop the work of other shows normal) reason:

1, water pump AC contactor on the overload protection device action.
2, water pump capacitor burn (Dan Xiang).
3, cold water machine, water pump itself, such as coil burnout, bearing necrosis.

Elimination method:

1, gently press the RESET reset button in the water cooler.
2, the replacement of capacitors.
3, replace the pump (pump should pay attention to the change of pump).

Above is the industrial cold water machine, some common causes of failure and treatment, we will be able to help in the future after the use of the cold water machine.



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