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Which items can improve the cooling efficiency of air-cooled chiller?
2016-12-02 08:46:28http://www.szdxj.com admin

Which items can improve the cooling efficiency of air-cooled chiller?

        The use of air-cooled chillers need regular completion of various projects of maintenance, maintenance of the scope is more comprehensive, air-cooled chiller operation safety is high. Because a lot of bad environment easy to affect the operating power of air-cooled refrigerator, in order to ensure the safe operation of equipment, in the installation of air-cooled chiller, enterprise needs to choose a suitable environment for safety. The installation environment is good, and the service can be carried out regularly, which can prolong the service life of the air cooled water chiller, and provide the conditions for reducing the cost of the use of the air cooled water chiller.

        1, regular maintenance of air cooled chiller, first need to conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance for compressor. As the core component of the compressor belongs to the air-cooled refrigerator, if there is failure will leads to the normal operation of equipment. Maintenance of air cooled chiller to compressor fault detection and exclusion as the detection of the main content, to ensure the stable operation of compressor, can improve the performance of compressor, reduce the temperature of the environment to achieve rapid target.

        2, after the completion of the compressor maintenance tasks, the need for enterprises to seriously check the condenser and evaporator. Usually, the condenser and the evaporator is faulty, may cause the air cooled chiller at run time, the cooling performance is poor, unable to meet the needs of enterprises in low temperature environment. If you consume a lot of energy after the air cooled chiller is still unable to quickly lower the temperature, so the efficiency of air cooled chiller is low, the need for timely maintenance of condenser and evaporator, in order to obtain a good cooling effect.

        When air cooled chiller maintenance, also need to clean the pipe and water pump. Because the operation of impurities in the water long time will lead to blockage of water pump and pipeline, water pump can not work properly, and even lead to failure of the air cooled chiller, affect the cooling performance of air cooled chiller, air-cooled refrigerator leads to increasing energy consumption. Many air cooled chiller maintenance project, if ignoring any maintenance projects will affect the maintenance effect of air-cooled refrigerator. Able to complete the air-cooled chiller maintenance time, air-cooled refrigerator failure rate is very low, you can use the air cooled chiller with minimal cost, and reduce the use cost of air-cooled refrigerator.



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