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New trends of China's refrigeration industry
2016-11-05 11:02:02http://www.szdxj.com admin
New trends of China's refrigeration industry
     After 30 years of development history of reform and opening up, industrial cold water machine industry, the China air-conditioning refrigeration industry and other refrigeration industry market has accounted for the world market with unlimited scenery refrigeration, become the focus of the era of refrigeration industry chain.
    30 years of development, has become the world's China refrigeration equipment R & D, production, and consumption, comparing the development of abroad, China refrigeration industry is from a refrigeration power is to a strong and forward in refrigeration. A review of the development of Chinese refrigeration industry, in the past few decades have made achievements shocked the whole world, which is the industry enterprises especially those leading enterprises in pursuit of the industry has a rapid development that makes us happy, but we should also face some problems existed in the industry development; such as technology development, product structure etc.. From the long-term point of view, China's refrigeration industry in the future want to become bigger and stronger, we must solve the technical level of the bottleneck constraints, through increased technical R & D investment, the ability to cultivate independent design, independent innovation. Only with independent intellectual property rights of the core technology and core competitiveness, China can truly achieve the dream of refrigeration power.
     Not only that, along with the rapid development of Chinese refrigeration industry, foreign refrigeration giant will also increase efforts to penetrate to the domestic market, both for our refrigeration industry challenges and opportunities, the industry will inevitably adjust industry structure, a good opportunity to upgrade development of this round of adjustment for outstanding enterprises is. Mergers, adjustment, consolidation, expansion, the development of the industry will enter a new stage of development.
    For more knowledge of the need to learn more about the cold water, welcome to inquire 0755-81715045 or 13923464030 Mr. Wang, or landing http://www.szdxj.com.



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