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How to distinguish between industrial cold refrigerant charging excessive?
2016-11-03 15:27:16http://www.szdxj.com admin
How to distinguish between industrial cold refrigerant charging excessive?
Refrigerant, also known as refrigerant, is commonly called snow species in some parts of the south. It is in the cold water machine refrigeration system and the continuous cycle through its own state changes in order to achieve the cooling of the working material. Refrigerant in the evaporator to absorb the cooling medium (water or air, etc.) heat and vaporization, in the condenser heat transfer to the surrounding air or water and condensation.
For many industrial chillers use enterprises, may be in our normal use will need for some reason of refrigerant, but can not determine whether the refrigerant filling and filling in excess, excess will have any harm to the unit. In fact, when the industrial chiller refrigeration system refrigerant excess, the general will produce the following:
1, if the industrial chiller refrigeration system refrigerant excess, will account for the part of the volume of the condenser, thereby reducing the heat transfer area, weakening the heat exchange, resulting in a high condensation temperature, condensation pressure.
2, will lead to the industrial chiller refrigeration system, the evaporation temperature rises, the evaporation pressure rises, the cooling effect of the cold water machine will drop.
3, the refrigerant charge excess can make the industrial water chiller refrigeration compressor suction pressure rise.
4, due to excessive refrigerant, refrigerant liquid or not completely evaporated liquid droplets into the compressor cylinder, may cause the wet compression or even liquid hammer phenomenon.
5, if the industrial chiller refrigeration system in excess of refrigerant in the opening may cause the unit load increase, the motor start difficult, serious when the current is too large and burned motor.
Another small East Star here to remind you: when our industrial chiller refrigerant is excessive, not increased or increased little during idle time the system pressure, it is not by judging whether the excess refrigerant pressure shutdown. And from the above several points we have also understood that when the refrigerant charge too much for our industrial water chiller is very harmful. So when the discovery of excessive refrigerant, should be timely measures to release the excess refrigerant, in order to ensure the normal operation of our industrial water chiller.



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