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The application of refrigeration technology in refrigeration industry
2016-10-29 09:05:43http://www.szdxj.com admin
The application of refrigeration technology in refrigeration industry
Industrial chiller is typical to be used as a complete package of closed loop systems, including cold and hot water units, a condenser and a circulating pump pump, an expansion valve, no flow shutoff, an internal cold water tank, and a temperature control station. Internal tank helps to keep the cold water temperature and prevent the occurrence of temperature peaks. Closed loop industrial chiller recirculation in constant temperature and pressure, increased stability and repeatability of water cooling equipment and instrument cleaning agents and conditions. Cooling water flow to the use of the use of the angle and back.
If the water temperature difference between the two is high, then the large external tank will be used to store the cold water. In this case, the cooling water will not be directly from the cooler application, but also go deep into the water tank as a "temperature buffer sort of behavior. The cold water tank is far greater than the internal water tank. Cold water from the outside of the fuel tank application and return hot water from the application can be traced back to the external fuel tank, rather than on the unit.
The less common open-loop control of industrial refrigeration in an open tank or the oil pan it keeps the temperature of the liquid circulation. Liquid is from the tank, through the pump unit, back to the tank. An adjustable thermostat senses the temperature of the liquid, circulating the cooler in order to keep the constant temperature of the tank.
One of the new developments in the industrial chiller is the use of air cooling instead of cooling water. In this case, the condenser does not have to cool the refrigerant with hot air, but the cooling tower used by the cooling water. This development allows for more than 15%, and allows for a large reduction in energy demand in the cooler due to the small area of surface water, the reduction of the condenser and the fan case. In addition, fans allow a substantial reduction in the level of noise.
Most industrial chiller cooling media cooling, but some of the simple techniques that rely on such as air or water contain the flow of cooling coils that regulate the temperature. Water is the most commonly used coolant in the freezing process, although the cooling mixture (mainly with coolant additives to enhance the cooling water) is often used.
If you need to know more about the cold water machine knowledge, East Star Refrigeration welcome you to inquire 0755-81715045 or 13923464030 Mr. Wang, or landing http://www.szdxj.com.



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