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A cold water machine
2017-05-02 14:53:05http://www.szdxj.com admin
Do you really use a screw type refrigerator?
It is necessary to check the screw type refrigerator before starting
Check the operation record, reason and time to understand the flash down, if it is a normal shutdown, continuous downtime is not more than a month, you can according to normal operating procedures if continuous stop over the boot; shut down a month or after maintenance, have presided over by room supervisor boot.
Check system, low-pressure circulation barrel and the intermediate condenser level is between 30% and 50%, if the level is too high, you should open the ammonia pump for the solution to the system or through the exhaust valve to the exhaust barrel Huai Huai liquid, the liquid level can be reduced to below 50%.
Check the compressor and check whether the oil level is below 1/2 of the oil mirror and 1/2 of the oil pan;
Check whether the level indicator is in the "0" bit;
Check the status of each valve of the compressor, including table valve.
The above checks are normal, you can use the boot.
What state is the normal operation of the chiller?
From the suction superheat, the general control of the absolute value of evaporation temperature of 1/3 is good, and not less than 5 degrees. Because the screw machine is not sensitive to the wet stroke, the suction superheat is generally controlled at 5 degrees.
From the condensation temperature, the vertical and horizontal condenser cooling water outlet temperature is high than 4~6; using evaporative condenser when wet bulb temperature 6~10 degrees higher.
From the frozen water temperature (salt water temperature), higher than the evaporation temperature of 4~6 degrees.
From the cold storage room temperature, direct evaporation than the evaporation temperature 8~12 degrees higher than the exhaust pressure; the condensing pressure is relatively high; the suction pressure than the evaporation pressure is relatively low; the exhaust temperature is not greater than 105 degrees (screw); fuel injection temperature less than 60 degrees; the fuel injection pressure, screw machine than the high exhaust pressure 0.15~0.30MPA.
What is the meaning of condensing temperature?
The condensing temperature TC is the temperature at which the superheated steam of the refrigerant condenses into liquid when it is released in the condenser. The condensation temperature can not be detected directly, it can only be detected by the condensation pressure. The condensing temperature is high, and the condensing pressure also increases. The condensing temperature is too high, the unit load is heavy, the motor is overloaded, which is unfavorable to the operation, and the cooling capacity of the generator is decreased correspondingly.
What is the exhaust temperature?
TD refers to the exhaust temperature of compressor outlet temperature (including exhaust temperature detection device receives), the exhaust temperature must be measured temperature, usually some small equipment set up, this can be used to measure semiconductor point thermometer detection, but the result of the measurement error. The exhaust temperature is affected by air temperature and condensation temperature, suction temperature or condensation temperature, suction temperature or condensation temperature, exhaust temperature will be increased, then to control the suction temperature and condensing temperature, it can stabilize the exhaust temperature.
What is the suction temperature?
The suction temperature refers to the temperature of the gas suction mouth TS compressor nozzle, suction temperature for temperature detection device or equipment, usually in small units is not to set up a temperature measuring device, maintenance and debugging is usually to touch the suction temperature estimation, air conditioning unit the basic requirements of control ts=15 degrees Celsius is good. If more than this value will have a certain impact on the cooling effect.
For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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