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What state is the normal operation of the chiller?
2017-05-02 14:49:21http://www.szdxj.com admin
From the suction superheat, the general control of the absolute value of evaporation temperature of 1/3 is good, and not less than 5 degrees. Because the screw machine is not sensitive to the wet stroke, the suction superheat is generally controlled at 5 degrees.
From the condensation temperature, the vertical and horizontal condenser cooling water outlet temperature is high than 4~6; using evaporative condenser when wet bulb temperature 6~10 degrees higher.
From the frozen water temperature (salt water temperature), higher than the evaporation temperature of 4~6 degrees.
From the cold storage room temperature, direct evaporation than the evaporation temperature 8~12 degrees higher than the exhaust pressure; the condensing pressure is relatively high; the suction pressure than the evaporation pressure is relatively low; the exhaust temperature is not greater than 105 degrees (screw); fuel injection temperature less than 60 degrees; the fuel injection pressure, screw machine than the high exhaust pressure 0.15~0.30MPA.
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