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Causes and solutions of low suction pressure of water chiller
2017-04-25 09:10:26http://www.szdxj.com admin
     What is the reason for the low suction pressure of the chiller? How to solve the problem? In fact, there are a lot of reasons for the low suction pressure of the cold water machine, so we simply talk about the cause of the fault and the solution.
     1, condenser refrigerant liquid outlet valve is not fully open. To fully open the valve.
     2, refrigerant filter plugging. Regular cleaning and replacement of filters.
     3, expansion valve adjustment or failure. Need to adjust the correct or troubleshooting, if necessary, replace.
     4, refrigerant filling inadequate. Should be added to the specified amount.
     5, excess oil in the cold water chiller refrigeration system. The cause should be identified and reduced to the appropriate value.
     6, evaporator inlet temperature is low. Improved inlet temperature setting.
     7, through the evaporator water shortage. Check water pump, water valve.
     The cooling water of the cold water machine is an open loop. When the content of calcium and magnesium in water is large, it is easy to decompose and deposit on the cooling water pipe to form scale, which affects the heat transfer. Scaling too thick will make the cooling water flow cross-section reduction, water quantity, condensation pressure rise. Therefore, when the water quality of the cooling water is poor, the cooling water pipe is cleaned at least once a year, and the scale and other contaminants in the pipe are removed. Prevent pipe blockage.
      For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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