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How to inject new vitality into China's cold water machine
2017-04-25 09:03:58http://www.szdxj.com admin
      On the one hand? The real economy downturn? All stock market downturn? This is a strong contrast? Luxury real estate, luxury cars, luxury, high-end antique art is a popular? The weak parallel false prosperity and practical.
      China's industrial cold water machine manufacturing industry is further marginalized product development and innovation. Chinese is in cold water machine manufacturing country itself, now has continued to decline, the international discourse is more weaker? Can not grasp the pricing power of the key international market rules? Cold water machine manufacturing industry to further reduce profit.
      Excessive taxes and fees, high cost of capital, labor cost advantage is no longer. Has repeatedly raised the minimum wage, the rapid rise in labor costs, the only advantage is no longer exist. Deterioration of the operating environment overcapacity. With the decline of the world economic situation, foreign trade demand greatly reduced, resulting in domestic overcapacity in the cold water manufacturing industry investment environment has further deteriorated.
      At present, China's refrigeration industry's technological progress is far from meeting the needs of the development of other industries, especially some of the cutting-edge technology and products still can not be independently developed. Followed by the overall quality of the refrigeration industry needs to be improved. At present, China's refrigeration industry, a serious shortage of skilled workers has become an indisputable fact. The old technology of great majority retired? New technicians and does not come up? This "lean" phenomenon has seriously hindered the healthy development of Chinese refrigeration industry.
      For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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