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Industrial environmental air conditioning to replace the central air-conditioning to improve the hot shop more money
2017-04-25 08:41:33http://www.szdxj.com admin
     First: high efficiency. Is the use of negative pressure ventilation cooling with fan and curtain, through the physical process of natural water evaporation, so as to achieve the cooling effect, the power consumption is only 1/10 of the traditional air conditioning.
     Second: ventilation. In the whole system of mutual cooperation, using the characteristics of fan air pressure, fast and effective discharge of indoor personnel, machine generated heat, gas, heat, gas smell, avoid long time stay in the interior of the human body to stimulate us. The air in the room can be replaced in one minute at a time, which is not the result of other ventilation cooling equipment.
     Third: improve work efficiency. To solve the problem of the lack of attention caused by heat and oxygen deficiency. The use of water curtain cooling plant can not only solve the problem is even more hot and cool in the water evaporation, the negative ion of oxygen, increase the oxygen content in the air to regulate mood, relieve fatigue and improve work efficiency to achieve the purpose.
      Fourth: health and environmental protection. The system uses water as refrigerant, no pollution to the environment in the process of manufacture and use, water addition to lowering air humidity, dust and particles with clean outside air carrying. Efficient circulation of fresh air, can effectively prevent the incidence of occupational diseases and spread of infectious diseases.
      Fifth: strong applicability. Negative pressure ventilation cooling system is widely used, regardless of the crowd, heat source, or prone to pollution, poor ventilation of the premises, can play a significant effect. Such as textile workshop, clothing workshop, injection workshop, hardware factory, shoe factory, electronics factory, according to the different environment of the corresponding system design.
      Energy saving and environmental protection air conditioning is to adapt to the development of society, in the promotion of resource conservation, low carbon environmental protection, energy saving and environmental protection air conditioning gradually replace the traditional air conditioning is an inevitable trend.
      For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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