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New economic situation, adversity and development
2017-04-25 08:27:45http://www.szdxj.com admin
    The first half of 2017 to calculate time and fast flexor rush past, as far as the domestic economy is still in the doldrums, many domestic enterprises need to face many difficulties still, the overall trend of global economic operation a short time difficult to reverse, the refrigeration industry rise in recent years is no exception, fried by the current economic impact.
     The entire domestic refrigeration industry downturn, or bring a whole industry reshuffle and restructuring, and promote all kinds of national policy on 2015, which will lead to the domestic refrigeration industry will continue to develop towards a more energy-saving, low-carbon, environmentally friendly and efficient future direction.
     Now with the improvement of people's living standards, the pursuit of material increasingly harsh and perfect, more attention to the concept of energy-saving emission reduction. Good products will be sought after by consumers, so energy-saving emission reduction, low-carbon efficiency is king. So in 2015 the Shenzhen East Star        Refrigeration Factory independent research and development, production and utilization of new refrigerant R290 refrigerant refrigeration equipment cooling effect to industrial chiller, environmental protection and energy saving, it's green and low carbon and other characteristics, has won the market recognition, and opened up a new field for the entire domestic refrigeration industry, but also promote China's great power to constantly save resources and protect the environment friendly society.
     The real success of the enterprise, it is only in adversity can better play its own characteristics, learn to adapt to the development of the economy in the face of adversity, to seek new development direction in the face of adversity, be in after walking more, go farther......
      For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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