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Learning to know oneself is the cornerstone of success
2017-04-24 08:33:53http://www.szdxj.com admin
     I heard that the song "Ode to joy" this woman, we are very inspirational in life, but I did not finish. Because the characters in the play are too unique and so ordinary, on behalf of you and me. The most valuable is that from them we can see everyone better aware of themselves in front of their walk more beautiful.
     Close Juer family is superior and ordinary girl, into the top five hundred enterprises do an ordinary person for interns, diligent, hope that through a year of internship at the company.
     Some people would say that this character is not unique, but in my opinion, this is the most close to the people and the portrayal of us. Normal school graduation work, unknown to the public in the company, wanted to rely on their own efforts to get to stay. But even so, she can not escape the stab in the back office.
     She did work for colleagues, but for other responsibilities, this time small self evaluation dropped to freezing point.      Immersed in the aggrieved and sad, Xiao Guan went to Andy crying.
     The elder sister told her: if I was your boss, because the final signature is you, so I will blame you. See here, even if love little off, is to say: whether colleagues or friends, set healthy boundaries, can play happily.
     Most of the time, and small, in our life is to help others in the role, it is easy to meet the need in others when the loss of self. The so-called "good people", often in constant self sacrifice, so exhausted. How can we stop ourselves in such a psychological mechanism and draw a line with others?
    First of all, find out the people around you who need help. If you don't help him, what are the consequences?
    Second, think about the correctness of "dedication to helping others". Is it really good for them to help others?
    Again, think deeply about how self care is integrated with your current philosophy of life How to become a more balanced person?
    Finally, practice: practice the declaration of self care, and keep a distance with those who always make you give up. You will find it is not so hard to resist.
    For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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