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Technical innovation: nitrogen cooling, natural convection
2017-04-24 08:26:17http://www.szdxj.com admin
     The methods of the forced convection cooling of the supercritical helium and the cooling of superfluid helium are gradually increasing.
     Large superconducting magnets are often segmented cooling. But first with the cooling liquid helium cooling, but also the use of gas refrigerator cooling. This cooling method can not only save a lot of expensive liquid helium, and the cooling gradually reduce the cooling temperature of the magnet and container, to ensure the local structure for industrial fans price temperature stress and damage. At the same time, in order to make full use of the cooling capacity of the cold helium, the infusion tube is often extended to the lower part of the magnet. After the magnet is fully cooled, the infusion tube is raised to carry out the liquid filling. When the utility model is used, the infusion tube is made into a component type, namely, the infusion tube is connected with the lower transfusion tube when the precooling is carried out.
    The safety problem of superconducting magnet cryogenic vessel is mainly reflected in two aspects: magnet quench and vacuum destruction. These two situations will cause a lot of energy release or massive heat leakage, causing sudden gasification at liquid helium, the container pressure rises quickly. Therefore, in the design of Wabi Du thick these factors should be considered. At the same time, for the loss as soon as possible to try out the energy extraction, will quickly discharge the liquid helium, should be set to quench the original and can discharge monitoring device. The commonly used methods of quench protection include series resistance protection, surge protection and transformer protection. In addition, the vacuum indicator and the inner and outer body should also be used.
    For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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