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How to choose the right extruder
2017-04-24 08:07:01http://www.szdxj.com admin
     Mention of extruder, presumably understand plastic industry friends may not be familiar with, so the extruder it will produce a lot of heat in the normal production process, for a short time in the production of good products can not play the function of the product molding and cooling so that you can not reach our production requirement, in this case it needs to select a suitable water cooling machine, has such a partner can shorten the cooling time, and can shorten the length of the cooling tank, save the workshop site available when the temperature is high, the extruder must use cold water machine in order to make the surface looks more smooth, more shiny......
    1 General extruder enterprises have their own pool, so that in winter when the temperature is low enough, you can use the pool inside the cooling water can meet the requirements of the production process;
     The 2 extruder will have an open sink, so when choosing a chiller we usually have to choose a shell and tube evaporator, so the water can circulate, of course there will be some special circumstances, it all depends on our set;
     The 3 extruder will emit a lot of heat in a short time the normal production process, so in the choice of cold water machine wants us to try to choose a relatively large, so as to have a better cooling effect, meet our production needs;
     4 select the temperature of the chiller is not as low as possible, the general use of temperature is better than the temperature of 10-15 degrees;
     5 select the best time to know the cold water tank temperature, the amount of water used per hour, the temperature of the return, so as to be more ready to choose their own chiller;
     6 extruder with cold water because there will be pool, cold water tower, so the general use of water-cooled chillers.
     For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com
Previous:How does a chiller work?



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