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How does a chiller work?
2017-04-22 09:33:09http://www.szdxj.com admin
        First, first of all to the industrial water cooler into the water tank within the specified range of water cooling system will automatically cool the water cooler. Then the pump will be low temperature cooling water into the need to cool the equipment, cold water will be taken away after the cold water temperature will rise and then return to the water tank, cooling effect. Cooling water temperature can be automatically adjusted according to requirements.
        Two, usually in the environmental medium or object to absorb heat, and transfer it to higher than the ambient temperature of the heating object process, called heat pump heating. For the heat transfer from the environment medium and heat to the high temperature of the cooling system, can alternatively or at the same time to achieve the two functions of refrigeration and heating machine called refrigeration and heating pump. From the point of view of energy utilization, it is an effective way to use energy.
       Three, in the evaporator to absorb heat into steam, the compressor will continue to produce steam extracted from the evaporator, and the compression of high temperature and high pressure steam compressed after being sent to the condenser cooling medium heat to condense into high-pressure liquid into the evaporator, the throttle step-down again after vaporization, absorption of the cooled object the heat, so the cycle to cycle.
        For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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