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East Star teach you to prevent high temperature alarm of industrial chillers
2017-04-22 08:03:18http://www.szdxj.com admin
       The dog days of summer, frequency of use of industrial cooling water machine is the highest in a year, but also the summer there will be the season of high temperature alarm. Today, we have to understand the East Star Refrigeration belt, industrial chillers why there will be high temperature alarm:
        First, the reason for the emergence of high temperature alarm:
1, the machine supporting industrial chiller cooling capacity is insufficient.
2, industrial water chiller dust serious or placed in the position of poor ventilation, the impact of the industrial chiller cooling performance.
3, the temperature of the environment is too high, the high temperature in summer, high temperature, high temperature workshop of industrial water chiller to cause cold water machine alarm.
4, industrial chiller temperature controller parameters are not set properly.
     Two, how to solve the high temperature alarm:
1, the first industrial chiller placed ventilation position, and regular cleaning and washing machine water dust dust network.
2, set the appropriate temperature parameters.
3, choose a larger cooling capacity of industrial chillers.
     The maintenance and maintenance of industrial chillers are the most important in summer, and the correct maintenance and maintenance can effectively improve the service life of industrial chillers.
      For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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