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Pay attention to safe operation of cold water machine
2017-04-21 09:17:04http://www.szdxj.com admin
        Particularly significant explosion occurred 8.12 of Tianjin port, this incident sparked national attention, and to trigger one of our special attention is the industrialization problem of production safety, the East stars today Xiaobian together and also to learn about our industrial chiller and the safe operation of how to effectively and fast, better service to our businesses.
        Our normal production activities in a lot of enterprises in the use of cold water machine, the degree of attention to the cold water machine determines the life of our enterprise use cold water machine. Due to the use of a large number of cold spare parts combined production, so any core parts or auxiliary parts of the fault, for the safe operation of the cold water machine has a serious impact. Only to improve the safety awareness of the use of cold water, can fundamentally eliminate all kinds of cold water failure.
        Many enterprises in the use of cold water when there are a lot of bad habits, resulting in the efficiency of the chiller is seriously affected. Because the structure of the chiller is more complex, even if the ordinary boot operation, also need to follow a lot of safety standards. To fully grasp the safety of the use of cold water machine skills, for enterprises to reduce the use of various types of cold water equipment spending has an important impact.
        The following is a summary of the East Star Refrigeration Company in Shenzhen on how to properly operate the safe operation of the attention of the cold water to share with everyone:
        1 first we want to check whether the installation during the cold water machine is damaged, choose the right place, in order to facilitate the installation and maintenance of the day after.
         2 installation of the site must be the floor, the installation pad or foundation, its level of 6.4mm, and can withstand the unit running weight.
         3 units should be placed at room temperature of around 5 degrees in the room, the unit around and above should have enough room for the operation of the equipment when the heat and after the daily maintenance work.
         4 at the end of the unit should be set aside to clean the condenser tube bundle space, but also the use of openings or other suitable location of the hole.
         5 select the appropriate pipe diameter, the maximum power of the unit cooling system and cooling water system, and accurate connection.
         6 for general applications, the flow rate through the evaporator and condenser agreed between 1.0-3.6m/s.
         7 under any load conditions, the water flow should be maintained.
         8 all chilled water and cooling water piping design and installation should be carried out in accordance with the conventional method, frozen water pump to be located in the unit's inlet pipe, to ensure that the unit positive pressure and flow. Piping should be equipped with shock absorber to ensure proper flexibility, but also to prevent the water pump when the pump is stopped.
         9 piping should be independent of the cold water support firmly to avoid stress applied to the components of the chiller. The hanger is designed to facilitate pipe alignment.
         10 in order to reduce noise and vibration, it is best to install the vibration isolator on the pipeline.
         11 in order to use cold water machine effectively, we suggest that the water quality of water treatment please expert analysis of evaporator and condenser, the water quality is not good will cause the scale effects of heat, precipitation, erosion or breeding of organic matter, affect the unit's function, operation and maintenance costs increase.
         12 in general, accurate water treatment and regular cleaning of the tube bundle can maintain its good performance, if not the quality prerequisite of existing with the appropriate method to improve, it will be considered to have imported large scale coefficient bundles or designate special structural materials or pipe installation and regular cleaning filters.
         13 after the leakage test, all nozzles must be treated with rust.
          For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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