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Cause of sudden shutdown of compressor in industrial refrigerator
2017-04-21 09:10:44http://www.szdxj.com admin
      We know that the compressor is the heart of the system of industrial refrigeration machine, its low temperature and low pressure refrigerant gas suction pipe from the suction, through the operation of the motor drives the piston to compress it after high temperature and high pressure refrigerant liquid discharge pipe to the exhaust, to provide power for the refrigeration cycle, so as to realize the compression condensation - expansion - evaporation (endothermic) refrigeration cycle. However, when the cooling system in the operation of the process may be a sudden shutdown phenomenon, at this time we should immediately find the reasons for downtime, analysis of the reasons for the shutdown of refrigeration system maintenance. The cause of the refrigeration machine actually also has many kinds, some can be our operator independently, and some fault occurs, then we need professional refrigeration technology personnel to confirm the specific cause of the malfunction, the refrigerator system according to the maintenance.
       The main reason for the sudden shutdown of compressor operation caused by the common failure of the industrial refrigerator is summarized in the following: 1:
       First, the power off, when the power outage caused by the shutdown, the compressor should be in a timely manner, suction, exhaust valve closed, and so on after the call to restart.
       Two, the unit operating parameters to achieve the alarm set alarm stop. After shutdown, should first of the compressor suction and exhaust valve is closed, and then through the control cabinet to view the alarm information. Common alarm information:
       1, the main motor overload protection shutdown. Mainly due to the unit suction pressure, exhaust pressure is too high or the unit assembly is not suitable for moving parts, resulting in motor overload. To identify the cause of excessive pressure, disk drive compressor should be relatively easy, if more heavy should be seized.
       2, exhaust pressure high alarm shutdown. Check the cause of high exhaust pressure. Pay attention to reset the pressure relay after the troubleshooting.
       3, cooling water, water water water alarm and shutdown. Check the cooling water and refrigerant system.
       4, low oil pressure protection shutdown. Check the cause of low oil pressure.
       5, cold water coolant alarm shutdown. Check whether the coolant water temperature reaches the set value.
There are many reasons for the failure of the industrial refrigerator. When the refrigeration unit is in trouble, the cause of the failure should be solved immediately.
       For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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