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Method for judging structure type of special industrial cold water machine
2017-04-20 08:57:48http://www.szdxj.com admin
      Recently, Shenzhen days of heavy rain, but still can not resist the sales of industrial chillers. However, in the process of communication and communication between the East and the various users, we found that the structure and type of industrial chillers are still not very understanding, so it is easy to cause misunderstanding so that the unit can not match the use of. Therefore, the East Star cold water plant decided to compare the popular words to introduce you.
      First, we divide the types of industrial chillers. There are two main types: air-cooled chillers and water-cooled chillers, the difference is that they have different heat dissipation. Air cooled chillers are installed with their own fans and air exchange to achieve heat dissipation, water-cooled chiller is the need for auxiliary equipment - cooling towers, pumps to heat. The simplest method is: the top or side of the chiller is equipped with a fan. There is a round with a yellow water tower is water-cooled chiller.
      Now, let's talk about the structure of industrial chillers. Under normal circumstances, we are divided into box type cold water machine (also known as sealed chiller) and open water chillers. Box chillers, as the name implies is a box, all the units are installed in the chassis installed in the interior, to prevent dust and other debris into the components affect the performance of the chiller. Open type cold water machine is an open structure, there is no outer box, all components are exposed in the configuration, we can refer to the back of the picture to understand.
       In addition, the East stars remind you: if your factory used cold water machine, need to be replaced or added, can directly to the cold water machine models tell us, and confirm what kind of cold water machine, what kind of structure. In addition, but also to confirm whether your factory has a ready-made pool or insulation tank, if so, then the practice of cold water evaporator is not the same. In order to save time, reduce waste, you can find more understanding of the use of communication departments to ensure correct selection.
       For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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