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Three elements of the normal operation of the cooling tower to ensure the normal operation of water-cooled chillers
2017-04-18 13:38:56http://www.szdxj.com admin
     The chiller East Star factory production is equipped with cooling tower to the pool or in need of work, this is also the chiller continuity, so it can be said that in order to ensure the normal operation of the water cooling machine, cold water machine in addition to itself, but also to ensure the cooling tower cooling water machine can work normally, this article from the 3 points to explain the three elements to ensure the normal operation of the cooling tower.
     1, cooling performance.
     Not to say that the cooling tower in the working state is normal, cooling tower is the main purpose of cooling, therefore, its cooling performance, cooling performance must meet and meet the basic requirements of the chiller.        On this basis, the pursuit of high performance.
     How to ensure the cooling performance? Cooling towers are generally based on the area, flow to ensure the performance of heat dissipation, if the cooling tower area, large flow, the cooling effect will be better. At the same time, if the cooling tower heat sink performance is good, then the cooling tower cooling capacity will be better.
     2, liquidity.
     Since it is called the cooling tower, and its principle is to rely on the flow of water to transfer, take away the heat, and then achieve the purpose of cooling, then the water flow, liquidity, it can not be called a factor.
     The liquidity and liquidity of the cause of low water is mainly from three aspects: the first is the entrance of water shortage, the second is the exit jams, third aspects are also the most common, is the heat sink performance, attached to a large number of white scale, resulting in poor water flow or reduce the performance of the cooling tower.
     3, remove dirt.
     In addition to the above two points, the normal operation of the cooling tower also requires third elements, that is, to avoid dirt clogging. The dirt blocking problem caused by water heating compared to produce white solid fouling more, sometimes, such as the use of cleaning products, can solve the white scaling, but dirt and debris need artificial fishing, manual cleaning, recommend the use of auxiliary tools, in order to completely clean up.
     For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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