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Three cooling modes of industrial water chillers
2017-04-18 11:03:29http://www.szdxj.com admin
Liquid gasification refrigeration
1, compression: normal temperature gas into high pressure and high temperature gas
2, condensation: high pressure and high temperature gas into liquid state
3, evaporation: high pressure liquid into low pressure gas, heat, refrigeration.
Two, gas expansion refrigeration
Gas expansion refrigeration is an adiabatic expansion using high-pressure gas to achieve low temperature, reheating and utilization after gas expansion under low pressure refrigeration, because the gas adiabatic expansion equipment, there are two ways: one is the pressure of the gas by expansion, Waigong output, because gas the temperature drop, RE heat when refrigerating capacity is large, but the expansion machine structure is complex, the other way is to make the gas through the throttle valve expansion, no external output, gas temperature drop, the refrigerating capacity is small, but the structure of the throttle valve is relatively simple, easy to adjust the gas flow.
Three, thermoelectric refrigeration
A charge carrier forms a current in a conductor, and since the charge carrier is in a different energy level in different materials, it releases excess heat when it moves from a high energy level to a low energy level. On the contrary, it is necessary to absorb heat from the outside (that is, as a result of refrigeration).
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