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Common terms for cooling tower of chiller
2017-04-18 10:56:48http://www.szdxj.com admin
Common terms for cooling tower of chiller
Water is being carried out with exhaust cooling tower droplets. The drift droplets are the same as those in the tower water. The drift velocity is generally used to baffle the similar equipment, the so-called drift is excluded, and must be left to fill the tower and spray area by air travel.
Blown by the wind cooling tower, water droplets, generally at the inlet openings. Water may also be lost in the case of wind, by splashing or spraying. Such as wind screens, louvers, splash deflection and water diversion regulators to limit these losses.
Saturated air flow from exhaust cooling tower. It is water vapor plume visible, contains a cool air contact condensation, just like in the cold fog and breathing.
Saturated air
In some cases, the cooling tower may produce a spray or icing hazard and its surrounding areas. Note that the evaporative cooling process of water is "pure" water, in contrast to the drift of droplets or the ratio of water is very small blowing in the air inlet.
Blowing type
The blow up of the circulating water flow is removed to keep the amount of dissolved solids and other impurities at an acceptable level. Leaching of water by flowing through a wooden structure cooling tower water washing - loss of wood preservative chemicals.
Sound energy cooling tower is discharged, and heard (recorded) at a given distance and direction. The sound is influenced by the water quality of the air falling by the fan movement, the movement in the fan blade structure, the motor, the gearbox and the transmission belt.
The cooling tower is used for a long time, will be the breeding of bacteria, which is typical bacteria Legionella, the bacteria can cause infectious diseases around each of the cooling tower 800 meters will be affected. The cooling tower is one of the main sources of urban pollution. Legionella spread through the air. The water tank of the air conditioning system is an ideal breeding place for Legionella bacteria, which can be spread all over the whole building through pipelines. Therefore, people in the air-conditioned room for a long time, should be particularly careful.
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