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The effect of liquid cooling on cooling system of water cooled chiller
2017-04-17 08:55:27http://www.szdxj.com admin
    The effect of liquid cooling on cooling system of water cooled chiller
    Because the liquid superheat of the refrigeration system water cooling machine, will direct the circulation of the refrigerating capacity per unit increased, theoretical power increases, and increases the refrigeration coefficient, or the water cooled chiller refrigeration coefficient decreased, the ratio of incremental rain depends on the specific unit refrigeration amount theory power increment is greater than the refrigeration coefficient or if it is greater than the refrigeration coefficient is less than, will make the increment coefficient of circulation increases, on the other hand, will make the circulation refrigeration coefficient decreases.
    Liquid in the water cooler evaporator outside the general overheating is known as harmful overheating, the lower the evaporation temperature, the greater the impact of the harmful effects of cold water chiller. Therefore, enterprises in the installation of water-cooled chillers, the suction pipe can be wrapped outside the insulation material,     which can be reduced to a certain extent harmful overheating. Shenzhen chiller
    For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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