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Characteristics of energy saving cooling tower
2017-04-17 08:35:16http://www.szdxj.com admin
1, water in the tower packing, water from top to bottom, the air from top to bottom, the opposite is a cooling tower.
2, counter flow cooling tower thermal performance, divided into three cooling section:
Water to the top of the space, the water temperature is higher, so the heat can still be transferred to the air.
Heat exchange section of water and air.
The filling water to the pool water, the water in this section is called the cooling effect". In the north of China, the water temperature can be decreased by 1-2. In summary, countercurrent Tabi crossflow cooling tower under similar circumstances, about 20% small packing volume, high cooling efficiency is more reasonable in the process of countercurrent heat exchange tower.
3, the water distribution system is not easy to plug, filling water to keep clean and not easy to aging, moisture reflux small, anti icing measures easier. More than one can be combined with the design, the winter to the required water temperature can be combined with a single operation or all of the fans to stop.
4, easy installation and maintenance, low cost, commonly used in air conditioning and industrial large and medium-sized cooling water circulation.
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