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Structural characteristics and failure of high temperature mold temperature machine
2017-04-17 08:10:09http://www.szdxj.com admin
Structural characteristics of high temperature mold temperature machine:
1 can be selected according to the need to use water or oil as heat transfer medium.
2 select the PID equipped with intelligent automatic calculation of the temperature controller, can accurately display and control the mold temperature difference in the required temperature + + 1.
3 the design of the heating structure of the two section, the temperature can be seen to increase or decrease the power, and with a special heating structure, saving time and electricity.
4 a variety of protective devices, such as: no fuse switch, water shortage or lack of oil, temperature anomalies and pump overload and other automatic warning system, the loop can be automatically cut off to ensure safety.
High temperature mold temperature machine features:
A. improve molding efficiency:
1 before molding, CBE will automatically control the mold temperature, quickly reach the required temperature and always keep the temperature, reduce the time required for preheating the mold.
2 continuous operation without mold temperature is too high, and the way to stop the mold temperature is not due to the need to wait for heating, so can improve production efficiency.
B. improve product quality:
1 plastic physical properties of expansion and contraction, so if the mold temperature is not stable or improper control, will generate products of clip grain, shrink, twist, deformation and surface gloss bad phenomenon, and the use of TMC models can solve these problems.
2 to promote the mold to maintain the appropriate temperature, a substantial reduction in the number of mold and reduce the rate of defective products to ensure product quality.
High temperature mold temperature machine three phase power supply line phase sequence wrong and alarm, or because the reverse protector failure and alarm?
1, if the three-phase power line phase sequence is wrong, then directly adjust the phase sequence is good
2, if the reverse protector failure, then replace a reverse protector on the line. Do not know the original machine which is the brand, here you recommend the use of Swiss music, good quality.
For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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