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How to do the cooling tower cleaning measures
2017-04-15 09:42:40http://www.szdxj.com admin
    We know that the development of cold water machine industry cannot do without people's efforts and continuous exploration, many features of the chiller has a unique side, then, we were told of cooling tower cleaning measures to solve water chiller content.
    Cooling tower is used for cold water plant structure, the general height is based on the size of the plant unit, is a power plant water conservation, water recycling of a structure. Cooling tower in a period of time after the use of timely cleaning.
    1, manually clean the cooling tower, water collection in the accumulation of slag, dirt;
    2, the cooling tower water return valve closed, water tank filled with water, will be QM safe and efficient detergent dissolved in the tank with 50 degrees Celsius hot water to wash pump repeated flushing packing, until the scale, stolen goods clean (if the packing use period is longer, caused by aging and collapse, proposed to replace the packing);
    3, the use of bactericidal agent to wash and fill the inside and outside the tower body;
    4, clean up the circulating pump filter, rust, packing and other foreign bodies to clean up, check the filter is intact, such as the replacement of the new network damaged;
    5, after the resumption of all, please party a management acceptance;
    6, the withdrawal of Party B items, clean the site health.
    The above is the cooling water cooling tower cooling air cleaning steps, we can refer to the small steps to clean. Cleaning and maintenance of the machine can not be ignored, which is also a way to extend the life of the machine, hoping to attract everyone's attention.
     In short, we talk about the East Star cold water cooling tower cleaning measures have the above content, we have to explore and summarize, so that we can better use it.
     For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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