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The specific operation steps of the refrigerant recovery from the industrial chiller to the reservoir
2017-04-15 09:37:13http://www.szdxj.com admin
      Industrial chiller refrigerant recovery as long as completed, then the suction side pressure gauge pressure is 0.01MPa, in the closed compressor operation, if the pressure does not rebound that refrigerant recovery is completed, and the pressure has rebounded, said there is no refrigerant recovery should be clean, in accordance with the following methods operate again:
     1, open all the valves of the cooling system of the industrial water chiller, and counterclockwise rotation of the suction valve to make it in a fully open state, and then use a multi-purpose joint to repair the valve and the suction valve connected.
     2, close the repair valve, the suction valve to three position.
     3, clockwise rotation to close the liquid outlet valve.
     4, the start of the industrial chiller refrigeration compressor, evaporator, the main force that is inhaled into the condenser and the reservoir.
     For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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