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Causes and solutions of poor cooling effect of water chillers
2017-04-12 09:45:17http://www.szdxj.com admin
   Causes and solutions of poor cooling effect of water chillers
   When the cold water machine in normal working condition sometimes appear poor cooling effect, cooling temperature and not meet our expectations, the causes of poor refrigeration chiller have? How can we solve this problem? Based on the present environmental temperature is high every day, plus not to do, in order to maintain and maintenance of water cooling machine set, so it certainly cooling effect will decline, according to East Star Refrigeration small accumulation of years of experience, method of eliminating this phenomenon is not difficult, we only need to find the main cause the return pipe and the compressor of frost, and can be an antidote against the disease.
   When the cooling effect of the cold water chiller is not good, the main reason is that the air return pipe and the compressor casing are accumulated, which will affect the cooling effect of the chiller:
   1, more dust on the surface of the compressor, resulting in slow cooling of the compressor, the indirect impact of refrigeration;
   2, the refrigerant leaks or insufficient, resulting in cold water chiller cooling effect decreased;
   3, the inner product of the evaporator or debris caused by slow flow rate, thus affecting the evaporation condensation capacity leading to cooling effect decreased;
   4, V aluminum sheet condenser dust, heat dissipation effect;
   5, the installation of cold water cooler;
   6, with the unit is in full load operation, ambient temperature rise, resulting in insufficient cooling power to affect the cooling effect, etc..
   According to the above cooling effect of several important reasons, if these phenomena, you can refer to us to provide you with the cold water machine maintenance method for operation. If you worry about the operation will damage the cold water machine, you can also contact the East Star Refrigeration Service personnel to deal with, contact Tel: 0755-81717585.



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