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Comparison of circular cooling tower and square cooling tower
2017-04-08 08:50:32http://www.szdxj.com admin
       With the development of modern industrial development speed, using industrial cooling water machine has entered into all walks of life, everyone know it should not unfamiliar, but I do not know you can understand the industrial chiller it another facilities cooling tower, today Xiaobian take you to look at the cooling water tower.
We all know that the cooling tower, but for round and square, sometimes should be as friendly friendly procedure to select the two products? I think people now prefer square cooling towers. Why? Because it has more advantages, it is better than the round.
     1, product updates. The circular cooling tower is the last Vintage product that has been used in the past few years. Square cooling tower is a new product, more suitable for market demand.
     2, noise. Circular noise is relatively large, small square.
     3, covers an area. The two cooling towers can be connected in parallel, but the square cooling tower has a better energy saving effect.
     4, the price. It is of course the cooling tower is round square cheap, if you allow the plant and equipment conditions, you want to save money, also can consider the circular cooling tower, after all, it is the older generation of products, but also has its own advantages.
     5, whether beautiful. Square looks more beautiful, can be more than a combination, but the cost is relatively high.

     East Star Refrigeration electromechanical Co. Ltd production of cooling tower series products, corrosion resistance, high strength, light weight, small volume, small, beautiful and durable, and transportation, installation and maintenance more convenient, so it is widely used in central air-conditioning refrigeration, electric power, textile, chemical industry, plastic industry, cooling water circulation system is suitable. Its product model complete, superior performance, high quality and low price, welcomed by users.


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