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Concentration control of brine in cold water chiller
2017-04-08 08:10:25http://www.szdxj.com admin
          Brine solution has a lower condensation temperature, so it can be used in medium and low temperature cold water chiller, usually using calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride aqueous solution. The condensation point of salt water depends on the concentration of salt water, concentration, condensation point, when the condensation point down to the lowest point, if the concentration is added, but the condensation point increased.          Then, as the concentration of low temperature cold saline brine when airborne refrigerant in the end how to grasp? East Star Refrigeration today together with you to solve this problem.
       If the concentration of brine increases, the density of salt water will increase, then the transport of salt water pump power consumption increases. If the specific heat of salt water cut, then the amount of water required to transport a certain amount of salt water flow will increase, the same pump power consumption. Therefore, should be selected according to the concentration of saline brine condensation point below the minimum temperature of refrigerant in the system can show the criterion.
      At present, the common method of selection is to select the concentration of salt water to make the condensation point lower than the low temperature water chiller transpiration temperature of 5 ~ 8 DEG C (if the use of tank type evaporator to take from 5 to 6 degrees Celsius, when the shell and tube type evaporator is taken from 6 ~ C). In view of this, Sodium Chloride Solution is only used in the temperature is higher than -16 DEG C refrigeration system, calcium chloride solution can be used in the evaporation temperature of not less than -50 DEG C refrigeration system.
      Because of the density of the above salt water, the low temperature salt water chiller has been widely used in the refrigeration industry. Brine screw chiller Shenzhen Dongxing refrigeration company can provide 0 DEG C to -6 deg. brine or ethylene glycol aqueous solution and 5 --60 degree centigrade chilled water brine chillers, can be used as the ice storage and cold air distribution and various other places a host of chilled water.
     For more information about the chiller please call the service hotline: 13923464030
High end configuration high-end quality, cold water chiller on the election of the East Star refrigeration.



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