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East Star cold water machine how to survive in this market
2016-09-24 08:44:15 admin
Now people are living a better life, health and medicine in this aspect is also more and more attention, but with the development of the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical refrigeration equipment used more and more widely, and in this, cold water machine, our production effect is more and more big, many pharmaceutical machinery and equipment during operation, the machine itself temperature will rise, it is particularly important to auxiliary refrigeration.
Pharmaceutical machinery and equipment in the manufacturing process of product, also with the continuous operation of the machine so that the temperature rising, and the temperature will make the mechanical deformation and lose or reduce the production of product quality. If the operating temperature can not accurately control the machine, so the manufacturing precision of the machine itself will be greatly reduced, the result is unable to guarantee the products quality, but also a waste of energy. .
In this cruel competition era, want to take advantage in the refrigeration industry, not only to improve the quality of our East Star's refrigerator. Http://www.szdxj.com



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