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Brief description of the water cooled screw machine out of attention
2016-09-22 08:48:28 admin
Water cooled chiller and cold water tower are inseparable, the weather turns cool, especially after entering the winter, the use of cold water machine will be less and less or even stop. In order to maintain and maintain a good unit, it is very important to deal with the cold water unit during the period of withdrawal, especially for the cooling tower. Water chiller stopped must unplug the plug, for the machine to do the cleaning work, if the outdoor machine must be waterproof measures with tarpaulin or other methods for occlusion. The cooling tower is the priority among priorities, to vent the water inside a stop before, in order to prevent the fouling of cooling tower, and even pipe blockage, this is extremely affect the machine performance and use the next life, it is better to use once every one or two months, and also to complete the rainproof measures. Http://www.szdxj.com



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