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Application of East Star cold water machine in food industry
2016-09-18 08:35:24 admin
The wide application of the East Star cold water machine has been realized very early, however, the food industry is the industry that we have always attached great importance to. In general, we will think that the cold water machine is used for industrial refrigeration, so in the cold water machine material issues and not so much attention. But the food industry special cold water machine is not the same, the material must be stainless steel, the stainless steel cold water machine, cold water machine stainless steel machine can prevent rust, affect the quality of the food, but also for our health. Now we Dongxing chiller in the food industry is the name, in the production of milk, a snow cake production, wine and fruit juice in the production process has been an indispensable position, but also for China's food safety to make a contribution to do. Http://www.szdxj.com



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