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Report on the work of the first half of the first half of September
2016-09-12 08:37:47 admin
East Star cold water machine factory in the early September to the first half of the work to make a summary of the whole working condition is very good, worthy of recognition, Hope East Star colleagues to create brilliant. Make a brief report on the sales team's performance today:
1, sales department (Southern China area): as the East Star cold water machine company sales Sales Department has been a leader, is the leader of the sales team, the growth of the team at the company headquarters, has certain advantages, but today's achievements, cannot do without every hard for the company to pay the East Star people.
2, sales of two (East China): East Star chiller has formed a leader of industry in the Pearl River Delta, fame after the well-known national market in greater degree, the East China region, especially in the coastal city, seafood preservation, refrigeration, all cannot do without the East Star Refrigeration machine.
Address: szwj1688@163.com
Tel: 075581344735
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Fax: 0755-81715085
Address: Shenzhen City, Longhua Guanlan street Zhangkeng diameter Wai Industrial Zone Road No. 22
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