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East Star cold water machine should be customer requirements to see the scene
2016-09-09 08:31:28 admin
Customer requirements, for the first time purchasing chillers, lack of technical experience, we hope that East Star technical personnel to the scene, and then give the best guide to the most suitable acquisition chiller customer production. East Star Refrigeration Company in expanding personnel is also increasing, and now the production season, expatriate technicians also all outside, today our salesman Liu Xiaojie personally into battle, we wish Liu Xiaojie the first horse to success.
East Star cold water machine personnel to go out to pay attention to matters:
1, and customer appointment time, location;
2, prepare catalogue, contract, Zhang Zi;
3, on time to reach the designated place, the two sides to negotiate.
Shenzhen East Star Refrigeration electromechanical Co., Ltd.
Contact: Mr. Wang
Address: szwj1688@163.com
Tel: 86075581344735
Cell phone: 13923464030
Fax: 0755-29400289 0755-81715085
Address: Shenzhen City, Longhua Guanlan street Zhangkeng diameter Wai Industrial Zone Road No. 22
Zip code: 518010
URL: http://www.szdxj.com
We will serve you with all my heart.



公司电话:0755-81715045  0755-81715587



公司官网:www.szdxj.com www.szdxzl.cn


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