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Industrial cooling system invites you to focus on the Rio Olympics
2016-08-05 08:25:36 admin
Lin Dan itself but, the impact of Olympic Games, click three consecutive male, this is a kind of power? Each play is a kind of growth is a challenge, only steady steady, step by step, in the game on the game out of style, race out of the level.
The national team not only meat, the more is the strength of the war, and the Rio, the first gold medal will be who won? After analysis and speculation, we all think that the swimming team Sun Yang is the attention. The 16th FINA World Swimming Championships in men's 400 meter freestyle final was held in Kazan, Russia, our sun to 3 minutes and 42 seconds 58 obtained glory, this time will be imperative. For the motherland refueling, the Olympic refueling, cheer for our athletes! Shenzhen East Star



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